multiSense : french award winner
来源:本站 时间:2017-06-05 阅读:90multiSense QCL spectrometer won the French award “Trophées de l’innovation” at e-nova Paris exhibition Paris – Sept. 2016

multiSense, the handheld Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) based Photoacoustic OEM spectrometer, developed by mirSense won the French innovation award “trophées de l’innovation” during the e-nova Paris exhibition in Sept. 2016.
multiSense is the first worldwide handheld (7cm x 7cm x 3 cm) spectrometer integrating QCL and photoacoustic detection for High Performances multi gas sensing, below a few 100 ppb, with an affordable cost.
It combines the promising Quantum Cascade Lasers, medium Infrared technology, developed for more than 10 years, with the robustness and compactness of Photoacoustic detection without scarifying cost.
The Jury underlined the technology outcome resulting in a new answer for a critical growing issue in Industries: detection of low concentration gases. The promising “affordable” attribute of such a solution has been seen as a market enabler for many domains, where the performance/cost ratio is still inadequate.
multiSense is aiming to revolutionize the gas sensing industry and to enable new applications for today’s environmental challenges. Detecting fugitive emission of CH4 at low concentration in oil and gas industries and pipelines, analyzing the new regulated gas exhaust emission for the automotive sector (NH3, N2O), measuring the air quality at very low level (H2CO), is now possible with the multiSense OEM product.
multiSense Module will be officially released during the Photonics West Exhibition – Feb 2017 – and is dedicated for integrators and equipment’s manufacturers.
About mirSense: mirSense produces high performance and affordable range of Mid-Infrared (Mid IR) Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) solutions designed to match the needs of environmental applications.